Cambodian Children Nutrition Aid Project

Cambodian Children Nutrition Aid project implemented by Green Umbrella, sponsored by Asanga International Aid from 2020 to 2022 had selected Kandoeng Commune for a target area of the project that covers 8 villages with three main project goals. In the whole process of implementation, the project divided 5 stages: 1. Develop structure, master plan, documents, and materials, 2. Select and prepare for​​​ a new community, 3. Preparation for office, human resource, 4. Baseline survey and 5. Project process implementation with the expectation of decreasing malnutrition rate for 200 kids who have age under 3 years old by 3% or 4%. 

Main project goals

Help children to grow quickly and healthy.

Increase the knowledge of caregivers and to change caregiver’s behavior of taking care of children.

Decrease the rate of malnutrition of children.