Sakk Kimsean: Teacher
Kimsean is from the village of Prey Sva in the Putsor commune. Growing up in a middle-class family, she saw how her poorer friends spent their days selling vegetables and snails instead of studying. Kimsean graduated top of her class, and her path diverged from her friends, who ended up working in factories.
Kimsean’s first acquaintance with Sokrath and Panny (co-founders of Green Umbrella) was when she took English lessons under them in grade 6. They were teaching a class of 50 for free in a small classroom back then. After grade 6, she continued her English lessons in the Green Umbrella English School. Upon graduation, everyone encouraged her to be a doctor, but she was clear that teaching was her passion and followed through with a strong urge to help people in her community.
Having gone through the private and public education system, Kimsean strongly believes in the pedagogy of Green Umbrella. Here, teachers care for the development of the students and make sure that they can read and write with comprehension, in contrast to how other schools are run in her village.
Sokrath, Samrong and Samrath had taught Kimsean different skills as she was growing up. Now, she tells her story to all her students. Under her influence, her students are too inspired to become a teacher when they grow up.